All participants, including those with an accepted proposal, need to pay the participation fee.
The on-line registration form is available here.
No registration is complete until full payment has been made.
Prices are in Hong Kong Dollars.
Registration Fee
3-day Pass: HK$
IMS Members* ......................................... 750
Non-IMS Members ..................................1,000
Students** ............................................... 500
1-day Pass (for Attendants only):
IMS Members* ......................................... 400
Non-IMS Members .................................. 500
Students** ................................................ 300
Banquet .................................................. 400
* Please attach your 2015 IMS membership (such as copy of the membership receipt) to the form.
**Please attach a photocopy of your student card to the form.
The Full fee for IMS members, non-members and students includes a conference bag, complete programme with abstracts, participation in all the sessions, and coffee breaks.
The Single day fee includes a conference bag, complete programme with abstracts, and participation in the sessions and coffee break of the chosen day.
Lunch, dinner banquet, hotel accommodation, and extra fees for events and visits are NOT included.
Payment can be made internationally through PayPal. Local payment in Hong Kong can be made via PayPal or by cheque.
Payment via PayPal
After filling in the on-line registration form and selecting the fee of your choice, you will be guided to the PayPal page to enter payment details.
For payment through the PayPal system you do not need to create an account on PayPal. You may choose the “non-registered user” option that PayPal offers in its page, and pay with your credit card. PayPal accepts all major credit and debit cards.
You will receive the receipt upon arrival at the conference.
Payment by cheque (only available in Hong Kong)
Cheque should be crossed and made payable to “The University of Hong Kong”. Please mail the cheque together with the registration form to IMS-EA 2015 Secretariat, c/o RhapsoArts Management Ltd., Room A, 13/F, Bing Fu Commercial Building, 450-454 Portland Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
You will receive the receipt upon arrival at the conference.